
(2022.5.3) International students participated in the Battle of Kawanakajima at Uesugi Festival

On the last day of the Uesugi Festival, a major spring event in Yonezawa City, the international students part...

(2022.4.11) English Lunch Chat has started

English Lunch Chat, an English conversation activity for the spring semester has started. If you would like to...

(2022.4.6)Orientation for New International Students

    We held an orientation for new international students on Wednesday, April 6th on the 3rd Floor of the Lect...

(2022.3.21)Happy Graduation!

We had a graduation ceremony for the Faculty of Engineering on March 21st. We would like to congratulate all g...

(2022.3.3)Get-Together for Graduating International Students

    On March 3rd, international students who are graduating from Yamagata University, Faculty of Engineering g...

(2022.1.18)Activity Report (8): Thailand Online Exchange Program

  On January 18th, students from the Online Thai Exchange Program visited Thailand via an online tour. We coul...