Opening ceremony of Employment Promotion Program for International Students, a MEXT-designated project, was held at the seminar room of the Centennial Memorial Hall. Sixteen international students from Yamagata University and Tohoku University of Community Service and Science participated in this event.

Prof. Hiroshi Iizuka, Dean of Faculty of Engineering, in his greeting hoped that international students may stay and work in Yamagata Prefecture. There are many companies with high technology in this prefecture. The retention of international students could support regional globalization in this area. Following the Dean’s greeting, there is a few words from a representative student, Mr. Nan Kaiyo, Master Course student of Graduate School of Science and Engineering. He said that he is really grateful for the chance to participate in this program. Furthermore, he said that through this program, he can upgrade his knowledge, can get valuable work-experience that are going to be useful in job hunting. This program also encourage him to study hard.

After opening ceremony, there is a small party at Azuma Cafe which is located at the 2nd floor of Centennial Memorial Hall. Each student introduced his/herself and enjoyed talking with each other. It is hoped this event could deepen their relation. Through collaboration amongst Yamagata University, Tohoku University of Community Service and Science, Yamagata Prefecture, local community, and company, employability of international students into Japanese companies could be increased. This program supports the students by holding Japanese language education, career education, and special internship program which are needed for working at Japanese companies.