- Yamagata University International Exchange Center
- 留学
- (2025.1.16)Japanese Mochi Pounding
- (2024.11.30-12.1)Homestay for international students was held.
- (2024.12.4)2024 Discussion with International Students of the Faculty of Engineering was held.
- (2024.11.8)Evacuation drill for international students at the Yonezawa International House.
- (Oct 15 & Oct 18) English Study Abroad Immersion Program
- (2024.10.24&10.26)Let’s learn multicultural coexistence from working foreigners
- (2024.10.25)50th Share Your Experiences!
- (2024.9.30)Orientation for New International Students
- (2024.9.27)Congratulations on Graduating!
- (2024.8.20-26)International Summer Exchange Program 2024
- (2024.6.29-30)Homestay for international students was held.
- (2024.5.22)Visit from KMITL Professors - a Partner University
- (2024.4.4)Orientation for New International Students
- (2024.3.14)The graduation party for international students was held.
- (2024.3.18)【Announcement of result】Yamagata University International Exchange Photo Contest 2023
- (2023.1.25)Mochi pounding
- (2023.12.1)2023’s Discussion on University Life of International Students of the Faculty of Engineering was held.
- (2023.9&12)Inter-faculty staff exchange program with Tunku Abdul Rahman University of Management and Technology in Malaysia
- (2023.11.18)Cultural Experiences of Japan Bus Tour 2023
- (2023.11.8)Evacuation drill for international students at the Yonezawa International House.
- (2023.10.23-10.29)Sakura Science Program × New Mongol Institute of Technology, New Mongol Academy
- (2023.9.28)Orientation for New International Students
- (2023.8.27-9.3)International Summer Program 2023 in Thailand
- (2023.8.26)Chinese students attended the Yonezawa City Japan-China Friendship Association 30th Anniversary Event
- (2023.7.15-16)Homestay for international students was held.
- (2023.7.6)48th Share Your Experiences!
- (2023.4.5)Orientation for New International Students
- (2023.3.21-23)Visited New Mongol Academy, an Inter-University Partner Institution
- (2023.3.16)The graduation party for international students was held.
- (2023.01.10) Experience on Living in a Snow Country
- (2022.12.28 and 2023.1.5)Japan x Mongolia Online Exchange Program
- (2022.11.29)2022’s Discussion with International Students of the Faculty of Engineering was held.
- (2022.11.10-12.8)Japan x Bolivia Online Exchange Program 2022
- (2022.10.10)International students enjoyed an imonikai with members of a local support group
- (2022.9.29)We held an emergency drill for international students.
- (2022.8.25)JENESYS2022 International Exchange Program
- (2022.7.25)47th Share Your Experiences!
- (2022.7.9)Cultural Experiences of Yonezawa
- (2022.6.13) Student Exchange
- (2022.6.3)We completed the “Diversity Square” in Yonezawa campus!
- (2022.5.3) International students participated in the Battle of Kawanakajima at Uesugi Festival
- (2022.4.11) English Lunch Chat has started
- (2022.4.6)Orientation for New International Students
- (2022.3.21)Happy Graduation!
- (2022.3.3)Get-Together for Graduating International Students
- (2022.1.18)Activity Report (8): Thailand Online Exchange Program
- (2022.1.6)A New Year’s Visit to Uesugi Shrine
- (2021.12.21)We attended the YU-SDGs Award 2021
- (2021.12.15)Activity Report (7): Thailand Online Exchange Program
- (2021.11.26)2021’s Discussion with International Students of the Faculty of Engineering was held.
- (2021.11.29)The Speech Contest: "Watashi wa iitai!"
- (2021.11.19)JST Sakura Science Online Program for KMITL (5)
- (2021.11.11)JST Sakura Science Online Program for KMITL (4)
- (2021.11.6) Activity Report (6): Thailand Online Exchange Program
- (2021.11.5)JST Sakura Science Online Program for KMITL (3)
- (2021.11.3)Field Trip - Cultural Experiences of Yamagata
- (2021.10.27)JST Sakura Science Online Program for KMITL (2)
- (2021.10.22)JST Sakura Science Online Program for KMITL (1)
- (2021.10.13)Activity Report (5): Thailand Online Exchange Program
- (2021.10.6)Activity Report (4): Thailand Online Exchange Program
- (2021.9.30) We held an Orientation for International Students
- (2021.9.25)Ministry of Foreign Affairs "Kakehashi Project" exchange was held online
- (2021.7.12)Activity Report (3): Thailand Online Exchange Program
- (2021.7.9)Activity Report (2): Thailand Online Exchange Program
- (2021.7.7)English and Japanese Lunch Chat is now in the Lounge!
- (2021.5.13,14,18)International students participated in English classes for third year students at Takahata Junior High School.
- (2021.5.31)Activity Report (1): Thailand Online Exchange Program
- (2021.5.27)The 46th Share Your Experiences “Introduction of new faculty member and her home country”
- (2021.4.8)Orientation for New International Students
- (2021.3.18)Happy Graduation!
- (2021.2.26)Handmade Pottery!
- (2021.1.17)2021 KMITL E-Internship Program
- (2020.12.18)We had an online student exchange event with Kasetsart University in Thailand on December 18th.
- (2020.12.5)Japanese Cultural Experience “Let‘s experience pottery!” was held on December 5th.
- (2020.12.2)Important Tips For Preventing Covid-19
- (2020.11.27)2020’s Discussion with International Students of the Faculty of Engineering was held.
- (2020.10.9)The International Exchange Center has moved to Building 9!
- (2020.10.2) Orientation for New International Students
- (2020.9.10-11) “Learn Yamagata’s traditional crafts and local activities” was held.
- (2020.8.10)短期派遣留学 - The explanatory session will be held.
- (2020.7.1)Announcement of Cancellation of Yamagata University Faculty of Engineering International Summer Program 2020
- (2020.6.16,18)We held meetings for international students on June 16th and 18th.
- (2020.4.24)Information from Yonezawa City International Relations Association(YIRA)
- (2020.4.17)Stay safe, stay home and study at home via WebClass
- (2020.4.6)Information about the new coronavirus infections
- (2020.4.6)COVID-19 Pharases in 13 languages Poin-and Speak YUBISASHI
- (2020.2.8-9) 43th Uesugi Snow Lantern Festival
- (2020.1.30)45th Share Your Experiences!
- (2020.1.10)KAKEHASHI Project A Student Exchange Event with Students from America and Canada was held.
- (2019.12.25)Japanese Cultural Experience “Let’s try making Soba” was held on December 25th.
- (2019.12.25)トビタテ!留学JAPAN日本代表プログラム「地域人材コース」ー The explanatory session will be held.
- (2019.11.29)2019’s Discussion on University Life of International Students of Faculty of Engineering was held on November 29th.
- (2019.11.14)Inter-Faculty Exchange Agreement with the Faculty of Science of Kasetsart University
- (2019.10.28-11.3)We conducted JST Sakura Science Thailand · Silpakorn University Program
- (2019.10.4)Orientation for New International Students
- (2019.9.10-9.19)Yamagata University Faculty of Engineering International Summer Program brought to a successful completion
- (2019.7.18)43th Share Your Experiences!
- (2019.7.13-14)Homestay for international students was held on July 13th~14th.
- (2019.6.26)We held an evacuation drill and an earthquake simulation for international students.
- (2019.6.20)42th Share Your Experiences!
- (2019.5.28)41th Share Your Experiences!
- (2019.4.25)40th Share Your Experiences!
- (2019.4.5)Orientation for New International Students
- (2019.3.7)The graduation party for international students was held on March 7, 2019.
- (2019.2.26-3.5)The Sakura Science Program of The Northeast Electric Power University was held.
- (2019.2.16)The international students of Faculty of Engineering participated as monitors in the snow activity plan, the snowboard (snow play experience).
- (2019.2.11)Chinese Students held a party to celebrate Chinese New Year.
- (2019.1.25)JENESYS 2018 - A Japanese Cultural Exchange Event with Myanmar Students was held.
- (2019.1.22)39th Share Your Experiences!
- (2019.1.16)The Explanatory Session of Tobitate ! 留学JAPAN日本代表プログラム「地域人材コース」was held.
- (2019.1.16)トビタテ!留学JAPAN日本代表プログラム「地域人材コース」- The application is started !
- (2018.12.19)トビタテ!留学JAPAN日本代表プログラム「地域人材コース」ー The explanatory session will be held.
- (2018.12.11)TOBITATE !「地域人材コース」 Internship Report Meeting was held on December 11, 2018.
- (2018.12.1)Yamagata University Malaysian Alumni Reunion was held on December 1, 2018
- (2018.11.30)2018's Discussion on University Life of International Students of Faculty of Engineering was held.
- (2018.11.20)38th Share Your Experiences!
- (2018.11.17-18)Homestay for international students was held on November 17th~18th.
- (2018.11.5-11)We conducted JST Sakura Science Thailand · Kasetsart University Program.
- (2018.11.10)We participated in the friendship exchange gathering between Japan and China on November 10th.
- (2018.11.3)Japanese Cultural Experience “Let’s try Japanese Archery!” was held on November 3rd.
- (2018.10.15)We held an emergency drill for international students.
- (2018.10.8)YUICY set up a World Wide Café at the Azuma Festival
- (2018.10.2)Orientation for New International Students
- (2018.8.22-31)2018 Yamagata University Faculty of Engineering International Summer Program brought to a successful completion
- (2018.8.22)YU Summer Program 2018 has started.
- (2018.8.1-2)“Let's go to Tobishima Study Tour” was held.
- (2018.7.31)Cochin University of Science and Technology’s and King Mongkut‘s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang’s student internships brought to a successful completion.
- (2018.7.14-15)Homestay for international students was held on July 14th~15th.
- (2018.5.15,6.5)Cochin University of Science and Technology’s and King Mongkut‘s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang’s student internships started on May 15th and June 5th at the Yamagata University Faculty of Engineering.
- (2018.5.24)37th Share Your Experiences!「Travel×Reserchers」
- (2018.5.23)「Yamagata ↔ World Explanation and Introduction Meeting with Yamagata University Students」
- (2018.5.8)36th Share Your Experiences!
- (2018.4.26)35th Share Your Experiences YU Students from overseas programs shared their experiences.
- (2018.4.6)We held an orientation for new international students.
- (2018.3.30)A former student who became an assistant professor visited the Yonezawa campus and gave a lecture.
- (2018.3.12)We held the 2017 graduation banquet for international students and local supporters.
- (2018.3.9)We held a career seminar for international students introducing local businesses from Yamagata.
- (2018.2.25-26)Job Hunting Seminar Camp was held on February 25-26th.
- (2018.2.9)JENESYS 2017 We held a Japanese Cultural Exchange Event with Filipino Students.
- (2018.2.4)The 9th Japanese Speech Contest for International Students in Yamagata was held on February 4th.
- (2018.1.26)The Seminar for Companies on Recruitment of Foreign Students was held on January 26th.
- (2018.1.8)Japanese Cultural Experience "Making Mochi at the traditional Japanese folk house" was held on January 8th.
- (2017.12.26)The 2nd Bus tour visiting Yamagata companies for international students was held on December 26th.
- (2017.11.19)We participated in the 28th friendship exchange gathering between Japan and China on November 19th 2017.
- (2017.11.16)2017 Yamagata University「Employment Promotion Program」Opening Ceremony and Discussion were held on November 16th.
- (2017.11.11-12)Homestay for international students was held on November 11th~12th.
- (2017.11.9)2017 Discussion with Interntaional Students of the Faculty of Engineering was held on November 9th.
- (2017.10.30)The lecture regarding international student life in Japan held by the Consulate General of the People's Republic of China in Niigata was held on October 30th.
- (2017.10.28)Field Trip through Yamagata prefecture's mountain
- (2017.10.24)33rd Share Your Experiences YU Students from overseas programs shared their experiences.
- (2017.10.11)We held an evacuation drill for international students who live in the Yonezawa International House on October 11th.
- (2017.10.10)Earthquake Simulation for International Students was held on October 10th.
- (2017.10.9)Azuma Festival 「World Wide Cafe」 was held on October 9th.
- (2017.10.3)We held an orientation for new international students.
- (2017.9.30)The article regarding 2017 Yamagata University Faculty of Engineering International Summer Program was featured in Yamagata Newspaper.
- (2017.9.27)The 1st Bus tour visiting Yamagata companies for international students was held on September 27th.
- (2017.9.10-19)「2017 Yamagata University Faculty of Engineering International Summer Program brought to a successful completion」
- (2017.8.2-4)Visited Thai partner universities, TNI and KMITL
- (2017.8.2-5)Chilean and Peruvian students visited Yonezawa Campus.
- (2017.7.11)“Yonezawa Kojokan Science Forum in YU” was held.
- (2017.7.10)International students participated the Ebisu Summer Festival as assistants.
- (2017.7.10)We held a Global Research Seminar.
- (2017.6.1)King Mongkut‘s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang’s student internship started on June 1st in Yamagata University Faculty of Engineering.
- (2017.4.27)32nd Share Your Experiences YU Students from overseas programs shared their experiences.
- (2017.4.18)31st Share Your Experiences YU Students from overseas programs shared their experiences.
- (2017.4.6)On April 6th, we held an orientation for new international students.
- (2017.3.22)Job Fair for International Students in Yamagata
- (2017.3.9)Exchange party with international students, graduates, and regional support groups
- (2017.2.12)8th Japanese Speech Contest for International Students in Yamagata
- (2017.1.30)Job-Hunting Preparation Lecture for International Students
- (2016.12.16)JENESYS 2016 Singapore students visited Faculty of Engineering, Yamagata University.
- (2016.12.5)International students visited companies in Yamagata
- (2016.8.1-10)「2016 International Summer Exchange Program – Final Report」
- (2016.8.1)「工学部国際連携サマープログラムが開始しました」
- (2016.7.7)Westview Hight school student from state of oregon visited Faculty of Engineering, Yamagata University.
- (2016.5.31)YU International Student played the charango during the YIRA meeting.
- (2016.4.25)27th Share Your Experiences YU Students from overseas programs shared their experiences.
- (2016.4.7)Orientation for new international Students (2016 April Enrollment)
- (2016.4.4)YU student from oversea program shared her experiences.
- (2016.3.22)Joint Career Fair in Yamagata for international students
- (2016.3.18)Discussion with Mr. KATAGIRI from Maraya University and Malaysian students
- (2016.3.11)Faculty Exchange Agreements with National Central University
- (2016.3.8)Exchange party with international students graduates and regional support groups
- (2016.3.2)Discussion with Alto University researchers
- (2016.3.1)ACADEMIC SEMINAR 「How to give a great presentation in English」
- (2016.3.11)Congratulations! YU student UCHIBE Nishiki, department of polymer science B4, won the scholarship essay award of the 13th culture exchange between Taiwan and Japan
- (2016.2.22)26th Share Your Experiences YU Students from overseas programs shared their experiences
- (2016.1.28)Lecture of business manner for international students.
- (2016.1.6,7)What’s good about living in a snowy region?-Learn from charms of Yonezawa from the locals. 「MAHOROBA」-
- (2015.12.11)JENESYS 2015 Singapore students visited Faculty of Engineering, Yamagata University.
- (2015.12.10)2015 International Studetns visited companies in Yamagata.
- (2015.11.27)2015 Discussion with international students
- (2015.11.19)25th Share Your Experiences 「Living in a foreign country: Japan vs. US」
- (2015.10.28)24th Shere Your Experiences 「Summer Program 2015」
- (2015.10.15)Evacuation drill for the international students who live in Yonezawa International House.
- (2015.10.11)AZUMA FESTIVAL 'World Cafe'
- (2015.10.2)Orientation for new international students.
- (2015.10.3)Apples・Beef・Imoni Trekking and Nature Experience in Yonezawa.
- (2015.9.28)Bus tour in Yamagata company for the international students.
- (2015.9.17)Grapes picking for the international students
- (2015.7.28)Japanese Calligraphy during the Japanese chat
- 7/21 Share Your Experiences! Learn greedily with grit
- 7/16 Share Your Experiences! The first student from the TOBITATE! JAPAN program shared her experience.
- 7/10 The international students joined the summer festival as a assistant.
- Share Your Experiences! Introducing India, Thailand and Taiwan by the students who are participants of JST sakura science plan.
- 7/7 Star Festival decorations
- 20th Share Your Experiences 「Taiwan」
- Discussion with the ambassador of Bangladesh (Dr. Jiban Ranja Majumder) and international students from Bangladesh.
- Visited Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology
- Global seminar by Mr. Fumitaka SODA, HITACHI Ltd.
- World café ② Malaysia & Indonesia day
- World café ① Bolivia day
- English Lunch Chat
- JST Sakura Science with KMITL of Thailand
- YU & KU Online Exchange Program 2021
- Archive
- Coming Up
- Other Information
- Home
- Experience Tsuruoka, a Food Culture City!
- 交流プログラム情報
- About the International Exchange Center
- Enrolled Int’l Students
- Student Handbook of the Graduate School of Organic Materials Science
- Student Handbook of the Graduate School of Science and Engineering
- Prospective Students
- Campus Life
- Japanese Student Tutors
- Admission Pamphlet
- Admission Information
- Where are Our Alumni Now?
- In Case of Emergency
- Scholarship Information
- Job Hunting Support
- Short-Term Exchange Programs at Yamagata University Faculty of Engineering(STEPーYUFE)
- Yearly Schedule of Events at YU
- Japanese Language Courses
- Yonezawa Winter Living Guide (YIRA)
- Yonezawa International House
- Yamagata University Faculty of Engineering International Summer Program
- Short-term Visiting Trainee at Yamagata University Faculty of Engineering
- Online Exchange Program 2022 – YU and UMSA
- Japanese Students
- Doctoral Programme Courses also Offered in English
- English Learning Activities
- 「多様性の広場」の設置 – Creation of a “Diversity Square”